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  • 2015年1月22日
  • By Roslyn莱顿 Ph.D. Fellow, Center For Communication, Media, and Information Technologies, Aalborg University
  • 专题文章

Commentary: It's Time to Modernize the 电子通信隐私法


An important process is underway in Congress that could have a lasting impact on the video industry. 的 CommActUpdate, being evaluated by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, is a bi-partisan effort to modernize the 电子通信隐私法, the set of laws that 政府ern America’s 沟通s networks. While telecom debates in the last year have been polarizing, the CommActUpdate enjoys broad support across the aisle and is a rational and inclusive process, inviting the participation of many stakeholders across a range of issues. 的 process imbues the positive, competitive market ethos that characterized by the Clinton-Gore administration which architected among other things the use of spectrum for the Internet, 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构, and a framework for ecommerce.

的 电子通信隐私法 was promulgated in 1934 and signed by President Franklin D. 罗斯福. Radio was the cool medium of the day; television was just getting a foothold. 不用说, the law never contemplated convergence—that content, 沟通, and connectivity would all be merged into internet protocol. Eighty years hence the internet is supplanting television, and video is replacing the World Wide Web as the popular application of the Internet.

Americans generally recognize the value of regulatory modernization and have experienced it benefits across a number of sectors. Agencies may be merged to streamline, if not strengthen their expertise, and redundant functions are eliminated, providing Americans better regulatory value. 更多的over regulatory modernization fits within a larger global trend of developmental economics in which national 政府ernments realize that 沟通s regulators can provide more value to society by enabling frameworks for technology rather than micromanaging networks. 

的 process has proceeded with a series of white papers on topics such as spectrum, 竞争, 互连, 普遍服务, 和 current inquiry on video policy.  的 process seeks input on the following items:

  • how to create the optimal framework that facilitates both video content and distribution
  • how to improve consumer outcomes
  • balancing the rights and needs of users and content creators
  • how to address over the top 技术
  • the optimal role for broadcasters
  • given the ubiquity of the internet, updates needed with respect to cable, 卫星, 以及其他技术. 

的 vibrancy of the streaming media industry evidences how limited regulation to date has worked to help the internet video 技术 flourish. 的 video ecosystem is rich with platforms, enablers, and solution providers. 的re are many new and important video providers. 几, 如果有任何, people in this industry would agree that they should they be saddled with the legacy regulations placed on broadcasters.

As such, the CommActUpdate is an important opportunity to tell Congress to modernize the Act. Obsolete titles and regulatory categories should be retired in favor of a pro-competitive, technology-neutral framework that it provides a level playing field for all actors. Users deserve the same set of competitive conditions across all platforms, 技术, 应用程序, 和网络.  

To participate in the video inquiry, submit your comments by 11.59 p.m. Friday, January 23 with an email to commactupdate@mail.房子.政府

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